2022 Placements

The UK Hair and Beauty Awards 2022 Results


1st Place - Abigail McMyler - @hairbyabigailmcmyler

2nd Place - Elliot Wilks - @jessicas.hairandbeauty

3rd Place - Lauren Irvine Hair - @laurenirvinehair

4. Ellie Fisher @duranshairstudio

5. Olivia Letford - @hairbyolivialetford

6. Sophie Merz Hair - @sophiemerzhair

7. Leo's - @leossalon_lincoln

8. Katie Moffat - @katieanne__hair

9. Fleur Van Der Wall - @luxfordshairandbeauty

10. Jude Taylor - @pinkflamingohairr

11. Amy Carnegie - @tinagoodwinhairdressing

12. Kayleigh Watkin - @hairbykaywatkin

13. Chantelle Turnbull - @sparklebeautylowfell

14. Emily Pinnell - @hairbyemilypinnell

15. Brooke Gascoigne- @vibehair_beauty

16. Indulge Urself - @indulgeurself_uk

17. Isabella Bees - @hairbyisabellab

18. Shanti Simonelli- Nurthen - @hairandmakeupbyshanti

19. Six one Six - @sixonesixhairandbeauty_

20. Samantha Cleaver - @tantonehairandbeauty

21. Codie Farthing - @codie_nocohair

22. Katie Welsbey - @little.luxuries.xo

23. Rachel Park - @hairbyrachelpark

24. Lauren Mawdsley - @thevineryhairsalon

25. Lolly Dolly - @Lolly Dolly

26. Grace Morris - @es_paradis_beauty

27. Shannon Harrison - @shannonharrisonmakeup

28. Beth Leaning - @hair_by_beth

29. Lucy Melvin - @diamond_appearance

30. Shannon Boyle - @facelookhairandbeauty

31. Sian Straw - @barberingbysianatthegroomingro

32. Lulu Berry - @mirrormirrorbeautyofficial

33. Briana Fuller - @cutsbothways_longfram

34. Jasmine Youles - @hairbyjasmineyoules

35. Dylan Plant - @hairbydylanregan

36. Evie Gravenor - @eviegravenorrr

37. Alex Henson - @exchangebarbers

38. Katie Stevens

39. Lewis Lockwood - @lewis.thebarber

40. India Fawcett - @beautywithincastleford

41. Connor Beecham - @colinjohnhair

42. Jade Marie Hair and Beauty - @jademarie_hairandbeauty

43. Stephen Healy - @healyscuts

44. Trudy Hickman - @trudy_tantalize

45. Amelia Britcher - @protouch_amelia

46. Amber Nattriss - @lovehairwhitby

47. Polly Kent - @linehanandco

48. Love it Beauty - @lovitbeauly

49. Paris Ashley Hamilton Fouco - @parisashleyhamilton55

50. Sophie Emberton - @jeniosa




1st Place - Lici LadyBarber - @lici_ladybarber

2nd Place - Dayeean Wilson - @fadeawaythenextlevel

3rd Place - Jay Spears - @spearsthebarberr

4. David Rose - @blackrosebarbercollective

5. Andi Hayes - @andihayes_barberking

6. Alfie Creay - @alfiecreaymitchells

7. Ash Curtis - @fraternitybarbers

8. Kurtis Skipworth - @kurtis.skipworth

9. Billy O'Connor - @billys_barber

10. Thomas Hilmer-Ewel - @tommybladesbarbershop

11. Liam Walton - @blackrosebarbers_

12. Charles Rose - @cratecheshire

13. Christopher Pickin - @chrisj224_barber

14. Daniel Whitty - @danielwhitty

15. Michael Magee - @michael_mageehair

16. Sam Massey Hair - @sam_massey_hair

17. Dean Watson -

18. Dion O’Dowd - @dionodowd_hair

19. Julie Hyde - @thebarnhairstudio_and_barbers_

20. Alice Capon - @thegroomingroomashby

21. Leah Summers - @leahbarbering

22. Jack Law - @the_yorkshireclipper

23. Jake Lansley - @jakelansley_hair

24. Simone Thomas Lovelock - @hairbysimonelovelock

25. James Gura-Lowe - @guru.the.barber

26. Sid Da Barber - @siddabarber

27. Colleen Shepherd -

28. Neil Palin - @neil_palin

29. Carol Black - @__carolblack

30. Jamie Gill - Jones - @gillandcobarbers

31. Sarah Heeley - @bellehairbeautyacademyltd

32. Darren Carr - @websterandcarr

33. Faye Amelia Barnes -

34. Chelsea Walsh - @biggyxbarber

35. Treena Cottrell - @treenashairdressing_barbering

36. Andrew Arthur Carter - @mr_andycarter

37. Siobhan Boyle - @siobhanboyle_hair

38. Sean Bending - @sbending_barber

39. Michael Lowe - @lowesbarbershop

40. Gregory Swanwick - @barber.swxn

41. Karen Travis - @kt_hair_academy

42. Louise Williams - @lw_malegrooming

43. Kerrie Pullen - @morgansbarbershoppe

44. Georgie-My Hubbard - @GeorgieMay29

45. Emili Spanton - @emilisbarbers

46. Sam Dawes - @sams_barbers__

47. SimzTrimz - @simztrimz

48. Lauren Carroll - n/a

49. Becky Grimsditch - n/a

50. iCutz - @icutzlondon




1st Place - HAUS. Male Grooming - @haus.bournemouth

2nd Place - Fraternity Barbers - @fraternitybarbers

3rd Place - Tommy Blade's Barber Shop - @tommybladesbarbershop

4. Urban Barber - @urban_barbers

5. Webster & Carr - @websterandcarr

6. King B Barber's - @andihayes_barberking

7. The Grooming Room - @thegroomingroomashby

8. Kings Barber Studio- @kbslisburn

9. Oriel Close Barber Shop - @oriel_close_barbershop

10. Crooks Barber Shop - @crooksbarbershop

11. Treena's - @treenashairdressing_barbering

12. Faded Skull Barbers - @fadedskullsbarbers

13. Black Rose Barbers - @blackrosebarbers_

14. Lowes Barber Shop - @lowesbarbershop

15. Fades Dublin - @fadesdublin

16. Lisa's Barber Shop -

17. Craigs Barber Shop - @craigsbarbershopbolton

18. Lukes Barber Shop - @lukes_barbershop

19. KT Hair Academy - @kt_hair_academy

20. Emilis Barber Shop - @emilisbarbers

21. Brethrens Bespoke Barbering - @brethrens_barbers

22. JC Barber Shop - @jcpopbarbers

23. The Barber Station - @thebarberstation69

24. Gill & Co - @gillandcobarbers

25. Maximus Salon - @maximussalonuk

26. Faded A - @afaded_barbershop

27. Rocket Barber Shop - @rocketbarbershop

28. R Wolf Barbers - @rwwolfbarbers

29. Jack Louis Hair - @jacklouis.hair

30. Jax's Barbers - @jaxsbarbers__uk

31. Fades and Blades - @fadesandbladeslondon

32. Allens Barber Shop - @allensbarbershop

33. Duo Barber's - @duobarbers

34. JWS Barbering - @jwsbarbering

35. Belle's Barbers - @bellesbarbers

36. Loyal Wolf Barber Shop - @loyalwolfbarbershop

37. KRD Barbers - @krd.barbers

38. R&O - @r_o_mensgrooming

39. Barber J - @barberj95

40. Fades & Facials - @fadesandfacials

41. Fargs Mens Hair & Grooming - @fargsbarbershop

42. Mo's Barbers - @mo.s_barbers

43. LR Barbering- @lr.barbering

44. KS Barbershop - @ksbarbershop_london

45. iCut - @icutbarbers

46. The Players Lounge - @theplayerslounge

47. Staat - @staatbarbershop

48. Ace of Fades - @ace.of.fades

49. Redefin3d - @refin3d_salon

50. Pasha Barbers - @pashabarbers




1st Place - Emma Taylor - @taylormadebeautyx

2nd Place - Kirsty Falconer - @merakibeautystudioltd

3rd Place - Jessica Sephton - @chichealthandbeautysalon

4. Megan Scott - @angel.beautyx

5. Jade White - @erabeautycolchester

6. Ivie-Mae Zurek - @beautyinthebarnsalon

7. Michelle Williams - @eyeliciousmold

8. Jasmin Beauty - @jasmin.beauty.x

9. Lauren Scappaticci - @laurenamybeauty

10. Anita Coleda - @koledacosmetics

11. Chloe - @beautyandmassagebychloe

12. Russian Doll Beauty Studio - @russiandollbeautystudio

13. Faye Beauty Boutique Cobham - @beautyboutique_cobham

14. Ella Downs - @ellaabeauty

15. Ewa Harasimiuk - @esthe.lab_leeds

16. Chandelle Henry - @browsnbeauty_bychandelle

17. Therapy Skincare - @therapyskincare18

18. Clover & Lily - @clover_and_lily_

19. Charlotte Grainger - @contoured_curves_clinic

20. Vikki Ashton Rock - @TemptationsNails

21. Amanda Jones - @bodyessence_beauty

22. Emily Rose - @cabin_ofbeauty

23. De Lux Beauty - @delux_beauty

24. Selina Ann Goldsworthy - @belleaurabeauty

25. Lauren Johnson - @ljnailsandbeauty

26. F Naz - @expressbeautybynaz

27. Ruby Kendall - @3sixtyhairandbeauty

28. Chloe Denning - @bychloedenning

29. Sarah Johnson Facialist - @sarahjohnsonfacialist

30. Shirelle Moore - @shirellebeauty

31. Georgia Kent - @gees_beauty_

32. Martyna Dudziec - @refinetanning

33. Rosanna Sulovari - @twinoaksbeauty

34. Pinky Promise Beauty by Olivia - @pinkypromise_beauty

35. Beauty Talk - @beauty_talk20

36. Sadie Morgan - @tip_toebeauty

37. Royal Elegance - @royalelegancex

38. Hall Things Beauty - @hallthingsbeauty

39. Laura Ann - @prettymissnailsandbeauty

40. Michelle Glasgow - @enhance_beauty_salon

41. Stephanie Chisholm

42. Emma Wicks - @the_beauty_box_fakenham

43. Abigail Eden - @edenbeautyleeds

44. Victoria Fernott - @jazzynailsandbeauty_

45. Tahnee Lovegrove - @looksbylovegrove

46. Helen Hart - @allurebeautycornwall

47. Rachel Almgren -

48. Hannah Collins - @hannahcollinsbeauty

49. Alison Miller - @am_beauty_aesthetic_clinic

50. Alexandra Brown - @beautybylexie12




1st Place - Ashleigh Mcarthur - @ashmacmua

2nd Place - Hair by Fiona - @hairbyfiona_

3rd Place - Zoe Emmet Hair - @zoeemmetthair

4. Kim Annesley - @kimannesley.hair

5. Charlotte White - @charlottewhitebridal

6. Love Is In The Hair By Sabrina - @sabrina_loveisinthehair

7. Kirsty Saywell - @weddinghairbykirstyatnovia

8. Beautiful Hair Designs - @beautifulhairteesside

9. Zoe Rees - @blisssalonb48

10. Olesea Vacarciuc - @oleseavacarciuc

11. Carol Ritchie - @carolritchiebespokehair

12. Gemma New - @gemmanew_hair

13. Jade Noble - @flourishhairdressing

14. Sam Urben - @bridalmakeupbysam

15. Kayleigh Owens - @bykayleighowens

16. Amelia Bourne - @mb_.artistry

17. Chloe Macdavid - @hairbychloemacdavid

18. Jenna B's - @hairbyjennab's

19. Shannon Shea - @ssmakeupstudio

20. Chloe Scarlett Hair - @chloescarlettehair

21. Stephanie Reid - @stephanie_melissa_mua

22. Aimee Johnson - @beaumonde_salonspa

23. Sophie Carter - @glam_iris_hairsalon

24. Hair couture by Amber-Lea - @haircouturebyamberlea

25. Kelly Morrison - @hairbyvasari

26. Amy Collinson - @Hairbyamycollinson

27. Kirsty Louise MUA - @kirstylouisemua

28. Jade Phillips - @hairandbeautyby_jadephillips

29. Sue Harrison - @harrisonshairt

30. Lauren Burgess - @lb.hairstudio

31. Caroline Swaffield - @amazing_facedorset

32. Dionne Gardner - @Dionnem1984

33. Robyn Wood - @perfectsilhouettehairdressing

34. Cassie M Bridal - @cassiembridal

35. Bouclé by Gina Lou - @boucle_hair

36. Nina Samantha Gabriel - @nsg_hair

37. Rosie Jayne Westley - @hairbyrosienorwich

38. Amy Fletcher - @amy_scissor_sisters_dronfield

39. Laura Verrill - @hair_by_lauraverrill

40. Amber Louise Make-Up - @amberlouisemakeup

41. Daisy Do - @daisydohair

42. Gemma Mullarkey - @bridalhairbygemma_amari

43. Megan Neely - @bridalhairbymeganneely

44. Trends by Wend - @trends_by_wend

45. Stephanie Jones - @stephanie_jones_sj

46. Collette Johnson - @cj_beauty_and_co

47. Ashley Nimmo - @allurehairandbeauty_kilmarnock

48. Stacey Williams - @bridal_braids

49. Gabby G - @mua_gabbie

50. Sally Schiel - @sallyschiel




1st Place - Luxe Hair Beauty Bridal - @luxe_hair_beauty_bridal

2nd Place - Flourish Hairdressing - @flourishhairdressing

3rd Place - SS Make Up Studio - @ssmakeupstudio

4. CJ Beauty & Co - @cj_beauty_and_co

5. Cabello Lincoln - @cabello.lincoln

6. Bouclé by Gina Lou - @boucle_hair

7. STEPHANIE JONES Hair & Beauty - @stephaniejones_salons

8. Allsaints Hairdressing - @allsaintshairdressing

9. Bridal - @bridal_bythesalonofmarple

10. Allure Hair and Beauty - @allurehairandbeauty_kilmarnock

11. Carol Ritchie Bespoke Hair -@carolritchiebespokehair

12. Beau Monde Salon Spa - @beaumonde_salonspa

13. LB Hair Studio - @lb.hairstudio

14. Platinum Hair - @wesleymartin_ha

15. Glam Iris - @glam_iris_hairsalon

16. Bliss Hair Therapy - @blisssalonb48

17. Harrison's Hair Team - @harrisonshairt

18. Hairabelle Luxe - @hairabella_luxe

19. Twiggy's Hair - @twiggyshair

20. Empire of Hair - @empireofhair_

21. Hair by Mary Kay - @hairbymarykay

22. Tina Goodwin Hairdressing - @tinagoodwinhairdressing

23. Snip 'N' Curl - @snipncurl

24. Sarah Wilford - @sw1hair_and_bridal

25. Natalie Michel - @nataliemichelmua

26. Neighbourhood - @Neighbourhood

27. Natasha Griffiths MUA - @tashagriffithsmua

28. Elegance - Hair Design - @elegance_hair_design

29. Kym Rankin - @opalhairgreenock

30. The Locket Hair and Beauty - @thelocket_hair_beauty_

31. Novia Hair - @novia.hair

32. Perfect Sihlouette - @perfectsilhouettehairdressing

33. Butterfly Nails & Beauty - @butterflynailsandbeautyx

34. Cach-Ca - @cachca

35. Sugarlocks Hair - @sugarlockshair

36. The Little Hair Boutique - @the_little_hair_boutique

37. Charlotte Marie Make Up Studio - @charlottemmakeupstudio

38. Creme de la Creme - @cremedelacremehairboutique

39. Donna's New Image - @donnasnewimageltd

40. Gemini - @gemini_hair_and_beauty

41. Glow Up Studio - @glowupstudios

42. No.39 - @no39hairsalon

43. Cullen & Co - @cullenandco17

44. Cleaver's Hair Design - @cleavershairdesign

45. Duran's Hair Studio - @duranshairstudio

46. Curls by Yas - @curlsbyyas

47. No.10 - @no.10hairludlow

48. Pinx - @pinx_hairdressing

49. Bridie Rose Hair & Beauty Lounge - @bridierosehairbeautylounge

50. The Hair and Beauty Rooms - @hairandbeautyroomschislehurst




1st Place - She Lash HQ - @she__lash

2nd Place - LABED - @labed.official

3rd Place - The Brow Code - @thebrowcodeuk

4. Flawless Lashes by Loreta - @flawless_lashes_by_loreta

5. Coco Cosmetics - @cococosmeticsbychloe

6. Constituted By Nature - @constitutedbynature

7. Porezest - @porezest

8. Limit Lash by Ella - @limitlash_byella_products

9. Who’s She Lashes - @whos.shelashes

10. EFK Professional Haircare - @efkprofessional

11. Kimberley Grace Training - @kimberleygracetraining

12. Nail and Beauty Excellence - @nailandbeautyexcellence

13. iLash Shan - @ilashshan

14. The Laser Look - @thelaserlook

15. Lolly Aesthetics - @lollyaestheticsuk

16. Minola Moss Lash Boutique - @minolamosslashboutique

17. Pretty Little Lasers - @prettylittlelasers

18. Snobs Aesthetics - @snobs_aesthetics

19. Protox - @protoxaestheticsltd

20. The Bellissima Academy - @the_bellissima_academy

21. Rebecca McParland - @vanitythrone_nails

22. Loulabell UK Ltd - @loulabell_uk_official

23. Mae Cosmetics - @maecosmeticsacademy

24. Establish Me Ltd - @establishmeuk

25. Billion Dollar Aesthetics - @billion_dollar_aesthetics

26. RoseElle Bespoke Hair Extensions - @roseellehair

27. Leopard + Chrome - @leopardandchromematlock

28. Cabello - @cabello.hairandbeauty

29. The Brow Job - @thebrowjob.co.uk

30. Pampering Angels - @pampering_angels

31. Beauty by Eleri Ffion - @beauty.by.eleriffion

32. GLOW BEAUTY STUDIO - @glowbeautystudiosouthampton

33. The Hair Pavillion - @thehairpavilion

34. The Beauty Haven - @thebeautyhaven__

35. KB Hair Extensions - @kbhairextensions

36. Kelly Rose Skincare & Aesthetics - @kellyroseskincare

37. Alex Ryans - @houseofsass2020

38. Olivia Cole - @oliviacoleuk

39. Evergreen Salons - @evergreensalonltd

40. The Collective Salon - @collectivesalonleeds

41. Goddess by Rachel - @goddessemporiumnails

42. Molly Towle Hair - @mollytowlehair

43. Amy Waple - @amywaple_aestheticsandbeauty

44. Just Peachy Waxing - @just.peachywaxing

45. Cinderellas Hair Boutique - @cinderellashairboutique

46. Inc-lash - @inclash.manchester

47. Tommy Blades - @tommybladesbarbershop

48. House of Cosmetics - @house_of_cosmetics_

49. Krystle Potter - @krystle_clear_laser_clinic

50. Angharad Beck - @angharadbeckhair





1st Place - Sculpt Hair Studio - @sculpt_hair_studio

2nd Place - Empire Hair - @empirehair232

3rd Place - Son of a Bleach - @sonofableach_

4. Ryan Alexander Hair Studio - @ryanalexander_hairstudio

5. Elise Luxury Hair Boutique - @elise_luxury_hair_boutique

6. House of Hair - @houseofhairbeautybar @hohkailey

7. Luvely Hair - @luvelyhair

8. Black Rose Hair Studio - @blackrosesalons

9. Three ConcesSians - @threeconcessians

10. Michelle Davies Hair - @michelledavieshair

11. Do or Dye -@do_or_dye_oldham

12. Cre8tive Hair & Beauty -@cre8tivehairandbeauty

13. Studio 87 - @anna_studio87creativehair

14. Melissa Antoinette - @melissaantoinetteuk

15. Dawn Hair - @dawnhair24

16. Brooke Thompson Hair Studio - @brookethompsonhairstudio

17. Mack Hair Salon - @mackrugby

18. Brush & Blush - @brushandblushbristol

19. Linehan and Co - @linehanandco

20. ZARA HAIRDRESSING STUDIO - @zarahairdressingstudio

21. Serenity Norfolk - @serenity.norfolk

22. Rhapsody Hairdressing - @rhapsody_hairdressing

23. The Hairdresser - @thehairdressersalon

24. Hayley Johnson Hair - @hayleyjohnson_hair 

25. Hair Ministry Ltd - @hairministryltd

26. FOURTH Hair & Beauty - @fourthhairandbeauty

27. DUSK Hair Studio - @dusk_hairstudio

28. Law Salons - @lawsalons

29. Angharad Beck Hair - @angharadbeckhair

30. Selena Salon / Samsonova & Masters - @advanced_colouring__by_violet

31. Hairitage86 - @hairitage86

32. Polished - @polishedstudiohitchin

33. Invidia Hair & Beauty - @invidia_norwich

34. Cherrie's Hair and Beauty - @cherrieshair

35. Sara’s Hair Therapy - @saras_hair_therapy

36. Hair Colour Studio - @haircolourstudio

37. Beautylicious - @hairbybeautylicious

38. The Infinity Studio - @infinity_hair_studio

39. Sasha Louise Salon - @sashalouisesalon

40. Megans Place - @megansplacesalon

41. 3Sixty Hair & Beauty - @3sixtyhairandbeauty

42. Linden Hair Design - @linden_hair_design

43. Leanne Phillips Hair & Beauty - @oliveahs_leanne_phillip

44. Karen King Hair - @karenkinghair

45. Jenny Spoons Hair Salon - @jennyspoonshair

46. Helen at the Cutting Edge - @helenatthecuttingedge

47. Danine Marie Hair - @daninemariehair

48. The Hair Specialists - @morghairygodmother

49. Epiphany Hair Lounge - @epiphanyhairlounge

50. Claire Fairhurst Hairdressing - @clairefairhursthairdressing




1st Place - BOLT Salons - @boltsalonsblackwood

2nd Place - Hairitage - @hairitage86

3rd Place - Angela Griffiths Salon - @angelagriffithssalon

4. The Hair Base - @thehairbase

5. Cuts Both Ways - @cutsbothways_longfram

6. Rhapsody Hairdressing - @rhapsody_hairdressing

7. Reece.Birkdale - @reece.birkdale

8. Ysatis - @ysatis_hairdressers

9. Pinx Hair Ltd - @pinx_hairdressing

10. Abundance Hair & Beauty - @abundancehairandbeauty

11. Nasus Hair - @nasushair

12. Law Salons - @lawsalons

13. Rebecca Davies - @hairbybecad

14. Salon 92 - @salon92_

15. Kroma Glasgow - @kromaglasgow

16. Tina Goodwin Hairdressing - @tinagoodwinhairdressing

17. Hair Craft 88 Ltd - @haircraft88

18. Love it Beauty - @lovitbeauly

19. Izabella Hair Clinic - @izabela__les__

20. Wildflower Hair and Beauty - @wildflower_hairandbeautyy

21. Monika Hair Design - @monika_hair_desinger

22. The Funky Barnet - @thefunkybarnet

23. Maximus Salon - @maximussalonuk

24. House of Serenity - @houseofserenity2019 

25. Luvely Hair - @luvelyhair

26. Hair Statement - @hairstatementt

27. Lou's Hair Boutique - @lous.hair.boutique

28. Get Gorge - @get_gorge

29. Twiggy's - @salontwiggys

30. The Cox & Hens - @coxieatthecoxandhenssalon

31. L'unico - @lunico_salon_ltd

32. Angelite Hair - @angelitehair.chloe

33. Cre8tive Hair & Beauty -@cre8tivehairandbeauty

34. Studio 87 - @anna_studio87creativehair

35. Cherries Hair - @cherrieshair

36. Melissa Antoinette - @melissaantoinetteuk

37. Dawn Hair - @dawnhair24

38. Brooke Thompson Hair Studio - @brookethompsonhairstudio

39. Studio 5 Windsor - @studio5windsorbymary

40. Mack Hair Salon - @mackrugby

41. Hustle hair - @hustlehair1

42. Brush & Blush - @brushandblushbristol

43. Leah Maries - @leahmaries1

44. Beautylicious - @hairbybeautylicious

45. Linehan and Co - @linehanandco

46. ZARA HAIRDRESSING STUDIO - @zarahairdressingstudio

47. Jenifer Norman Hair and Beauty - @jenifernorman_hairandbeauty

48. Studio 56 - @studio56__

49. Hannah Swann Hair and Beauty - @hannah.swan.hair.and.beauty

50. Rock n Rose Hair - @rockandrosehair17





1st Place - Minola Moss Lash Boutique - @minolamosslashboutique

2nd Place - Hello Pretty - @helloprettyuk

3rd Place - Liberty's Beauty Studio - @libertysbeautystudio

4. She Lash HQ - @she__lash

5. CA Beauty Salon & Academy - @cabeauty_salon

6. Allure Lash Lounge - @allurelashlounge

7. Sarah Anne's Beauty - @sarahannes_beauty

8. Queen Lashista - @queenlashista_bristol

9. Blanco Lash Studio - @blanco_lash_studio_

10. Black Diamond Lash Lounge - @jana_budrika_blackdiamond

11. House of Beauty - @house_ofbeautyacademy

12. Salon G - @salongnewcastle

13. Olivia Niamh Beauty Salon - @olivianiamhbeauty

14. LASH - @l_a_s_h___

15. Love 2 Lash You - @love2lashyou

16. Kira B Studio - @kirabstudio

17. Lash Studio Leicester - @lash.studio.leicester

18. The Luna Lash Company - @thelunalashcompany

19. The Lash Lounge Hemel &Watford - @thelashloungesalons

20. Beauty Room Marcelina Fryckowska - @marcelinafryckowska.beautyroom

21. Little Paradise Beauty - @littleparadisebeauty_7zetland

22. Lash Love & Beauty - @lashlove.beauty

23. BHB Beauty - @bhb_beauty_

24. Ewelina - @ewelinakaminska_imthelashmaker 

25. Lulia Istrati - @iuliaistratipmu

26. Fabulash - @fabulashbeautyplymouth1

27. Serenity Beauty & Co - @serenitybeautyandco

28. Lash City London - @lashcitylondon

29. The Pampering Room - @the_pampering_room

30. Brow and Lash Envy - @browandlashenvy_

31. Lush Lashes - @lush_lashes19

32. Glow Lash Studio - @glow.lashstudio.uk

33. Bita Lash Boutique - @bitalashbtq

34. SLB Beauty - @slb.beauty2013

35. MB Aesthetics - @_mb_aesthetics

36. Lashes by Roxie - @lashesbyroxie

37. The Glam Salon - @theglamsalon__

38. Belle Body Beauty - @bellebodybeautyltd

39. Studio Richelle Caroliny - @studiorichelle

40. VB Beauty - @vb_beauty_aesthetics

41. Beauty in the Barn - @beautyinthebarnsalon

42. Beauty By Toni - @beauty_by_tonixx

43. Rose Gold Lashes - @rose.gold.lashes

44. Lashes And Beauty By Faye - @lashesandbeauty_byfaye

45. Obsession Lash Bar - @obsessionlashbar

46. HD Beauty and Aesthetics - @hdbeautyandaesthetics

47. Taz's Beauty Boutique - @tazsbeautyboutique

48. The Bronzing Bar - @thebronzingbar_

49. Decorum Aesthetics - @decorumaestheticsni

50. KSL Beauty Bar - @k.s.l.beautybar




1st Place - Santa Morgun - @santa_morgun_beautyempire

2nd Place - SJA Clinic - @sja_clinic

3rd Place - Pietro Aesthetics - @pietroaesthetics

4. Dr Bethany Rushworth - @dr.bethanyrushworth

5. Derma HQ Carlisle - @dermahq_carlisle

6. Protox Aesthetics LTD - @protoxaestheticsltd

7. Restore Aesthetics - @restoreaestheticshx

8. Aesthetics Now - @aesthetics.nowww

9. LUXE Aesthetics - @luxe.aesthetics1

10. SM Aesthetics - @s.maesthetics

11. Infillable Aesthetics - @infallible_aesthetics

12. Pretty Little Aesthetics - @prettylittleaesthetics_

13. Little Essex Academy Limited - @littleessexacademy

14. House of All - @houseofallaestheticsandbeauty

15. Smart Skin Aesthetics - @smartskinaesthetics

16. Selma Arthur - @dollfaceaestheticssussex

17. LMA - @lma_uk

18. Fake It - @fake_it_aesthetics_bristol

19. Love aesthetics by Lucy - @loveaestheticsbylucy

20. Anna Kwiatkowska - @uniqderm_uk

21. Lucy Haylor - @haylobeauty

22. Cole Aesthetics - @coleaestheticsclinic

23. Masie May Cosmetics - @masiemaycosmetics

24. Fab Facial Aesthetics - @fabfindyourbeautiful 

25. International Aesthetics & Wellbeing Institute - @iawi21

26. Victoria Walker - @bellateskinclinic

27. Avantii - @avantii_aesthetic_clinic1007

28. Eyecandy Essex - @eyecandy.essex.aesthetics

29. Lyndsey Smith - @lush_aesthetics2020

30. Vikki Soloman - @vikkisolomanaesthetics_

31. Lakeside Lodge Aesthetics - @lakesidelodgeaesthetics

32. Cherry Blossom Beauty - @cherryblossombeautyaesthetics

33. Laura Desborough - @prettylittleface_aesthetics

34. Swindon Aesthetics - @swindonaesthetics

35. Jodie Vaughan -

36. Pro Derm Aesthetics - @prodermaesthetics

37. Envie Aesthetics - @envie.aesthetics

38. Nails Beauty and Aesthetics by Joanne - @nailsbeautyaestheticsbyjoanne

39. Rosewood Aesthetics - @rosewood_aesthetics

40. Mantas Aesthetics - @mantasaesthetics

41. Nueva Aesthetics - @nueva_aesthetics

42. Bragiellips - @bragiellips

43. Shhh Aesthetics - @shhhaesthetics

44. Rebecca Mackay - @rebeccamackayaesthetics

45. DG Aesthetics - @dgaesthetics_

46. Naomi Hilton - @naomiharleycox

47. Pretty B Beauty Lounge - @_prettyyb_

48. Aphrodite Aesthetics Ltd - @aphrodite_aesthetics_ltd

49. Billion Dollar Aesthetics - @billion_dollar_aesthetics

50. Hella Glam - @hella_glam1



1st Place - Jade Lucy Matwijiwskyj - @blondesandblends__

2nd Place - Blake Laurence Hair Studio - @blakelaurencehairstudio

3rd Place - April Yardley - @my.labhairbeauty

4. Tommy Taylor - @tommyjtaylorr_hair

5. Chloe Jones - @thegreenroom77

6. Megan Bracegirdle - @the_colour_cabin

7. Viktoria Safronova - @vicky_hairexpert

8. Ryan Alexander Hair Studio - @ryanalexander_hairstudio

9. Lauren Foxton - @laurenfoxtonhairx

10. Amanda Ollivere - @passion__salon

11. Millie Margot - @bymilliemargothair

12. Lauren Davies - @laurendavies.hair

13. Katie Brown - @katielouisehairdressing

14. Lauren Cassidy - @bylaurenc

15. Kinsella's Hair - @kinsellashair

16. Miah Flanigan Hair - @miahflanaganhair

17. Hair by Lydia - @hairbylydiax

18. Hair by Lolly Jaye - @hairbylollyjaye

19. Marina Scan - @marina_scan

20. Serenity Hair - @serenityhairkinver

21. The House of Hair - @thehouseofhair_rayleigh

22. Defy Hair Management - @defyhairmanagement

23. Katy Mann - @km_colour_bar

24. Your Salon - @yoursalonbournemouth

25. Victoria Walker - @ruralhairsalon_wymondham

26. Kristelle Gilchrist - @hairbystelle

27. Daniele Meddi - @dmsalons

28. Demi-Lee Angioy - @valeriano_hairandbeautysuite

29. Lauren - @hairbylaurenatmack

30. Ruby Beecham - @rbeechamhair_

31. Samantha Law - @samanthalawhair_

32. Paige Connelly - @hairbypaigeconnelly

33. Elise Star Marsden - @_.elisestarr._

34. India Fleming - @indias_hairandbeauty

35. Bethany McManus - @b_hair_studio

36. Francesca Mitchell - @jessicas.hairandbeauty

37. Jodie Hillman -@jodie_thestrand

38. Hair by Chan - @hairbychan___

39. Lauren Finan - @laurenfinan_hair

40. Irina Zaueras - @zaueras.hairstyle

41. The Funky Barnet - @thefunkybarnet

42. The Hair Galery by Robyn Moore - @hairgallery_muchwenlock

43. Claire Louise - @styledbyclairelouise_blow

44. Lil Lou's Hair Boutique - @lous.hair.boutique

45. Sara's Hair Therapy - @saras_hair_therapy

46. Sheryl Roberts-Flint - @sassyhairfixers

47. Keighley Hutson Hair - @keighleyhutsonhair

48. Sarah Roberts - @dollzstourbridge

49. Blush & Roses - blushandroses2020

50. Melissa Wise - @melwise_hair





1st Place - @Hair and Beauty by Ella - @hairandbeautybyella 

2nd Place - The Brow Konnect - @thebrowkonnect

3rd Place - Victoria Harrington - @victoriasbrowsfleet

4. Impact Beauty - @impactbeautyuk

5. TJ O'Loughlin -@beautybyt.j

6. Klaudia Sterna - @klashandbrowstudio

7. Brow Base London - @browbaselondon

8. Ella Downs - @ellaabeauty

9. Michelle Williams - @eyeliciousmold

10. Blondi's Palace - @blondis_palace

11. The Beauty Barn - @_theebeautybarn_

12. Luxe Lab - @luxe.lab.essex

13. Brow Envy - @_browenvy

14. The Brow Bay - @thebrowbay_

15. Pro Touch Beauty - @protouchbeauty

16. Faith & Co Beauty - @faithandco_beauty

17. Brows by G - @browsbyg_

18. Brows by Rachel - @browsbyrachel__

19. Lash & Brow Emporium Herts - @lash_brow_emporium_herts

20. Culture Brows - @culturebrows_

21. The Brow & Beauty Clique - @thebrowandbeautyclique_

22. The Brow Suite - @the.brow_suite

23. Angela May Beauty - @angelamaybeauty

24. LR PRO - @lrpro_studio

25. Kelly Rebecca Make-Up and Beauty - @krmakeupandbeauty

26. HOUSE OF LASHES AND BEAUTY - @houseoflashesandbeauty_

27. Leanne Murphy - @lkmbeauty_x

28. Pinkie's - @pinkieslashesbeautyholmfirth

29. Charlotte Beresford - @polishedbeauty_bycharlotte

30. Toni Mcevoy - @thebrowedit_official

31. Claudia Sardi - @browandlashenvy_

32. Natasha Carr - @natashacarr_ab

33. Jay Cook - @browsbyjc_

34. Sophie Coward - @milenialbeautystudio

35. Brow in a Billion - @browinabillion

36. Sassy Brow & Skin Clinic - @sassybrowskinclinic

37. Hayley Elizabeth Cosmetics - @hayleyelizabethcosmetics

38. Laura Fawcett - @laurafawcett_

39. Laura Baggott - @laurajade_beauty

40. Uniqderm LTD - @uniqderm_uk

41. Natalie Dams - @nataliedamsbeauty

42. Eyebrows by LC - @eyebrowsbylc

43. Razia Smith - @newbrowsuk

44. GC Beauty and Aesthetics - @gc_beautyandaesthetics1

45. Nikhita Singhale - @blinkandtwinkle

46. Looks by Louisa - @looksbylouisa_

47. Gina Cooper Beauty & Brows - @beautyandbrowschelmsford

48. Empress Brows - @empress.brows

49. Kayley Mullard - @beautybasics_bykgk

50. Jenifer Michelle Beauty Studio - @jennifer.michelle.beautystudio





1st Place - Maria Szabla - @nails_atelier_maria_szabla

2nd Place - Barbara Wesolowska - @nailstudio.aberdeen

3rd Place - Tara Smith - @taranailsandbeauty

4. Lily Snape - @_beautybungalow

5. Alicia Areety - @aliciaareety_nailartist

6. Truffles Nails & Beauty - @trufflesnails

7. Kirsty Brown - @paintbrushnails

8. Nails by Hannah Beth - @nails_by_hannahbeth

9. Charlotte Bennett - @charlotte_rose_cosmetics

10. Alexandra Hilton - @byalex_lashandnailartist

11. Basic Witch Nailz - @basicwitchnailz

12. Louise Gregory - @thegelstudiohampshire

13. Aimee White - @spellboundxnails

14. Natacha Botting - @tres_belle_by_natacha

15. Polished by Poppy - @polishedbypoppy_

16. Denise Mapes - @1stopnails_bydenise

17. Ewelina Skrzypek - @malumaniaewelina

18. Jen Phillips - @nailsbyjennifermarie2

19. Chloe Indulgence Nails - @chloeindulgence

20. Nails by Natalina - @nailsbynatalina

21. Sophie Staniland - @glammedupbysophie

22. Maddison Lacey - @nailsbymaddiedawn

23. Heather Leitch - @dillydelightmontrose

24. Love Urban - @loveurban_naildesign

25. Minnie's Nails - @minniesnails

26. Adele Hayley - @adele_beautyandaesthetics

27. Domini Sharpe - @prettyfingers95

28. Gels by Charl - @gelsbycharl

29. Kelly Garrigan - @beautyriotliverpool

30. Kerry Booth - @its.klb

31. Halina Hutanu - @linauniquebylina

32. Grace Andrew - @nailss.by.gracie

33. Glow Amor Beauty - @glowamorbeauty

34. Georgia Cronshey - @beautyliciousbygeorgia

35. Jasmine Adams - @blissfulbeautybyjasmine

36. Talons & Tarot - @talons_tarot

37. Kay - @kay.thebeautyannex.hemyock

38. Fleek Beauty - @fleekhednesford

39. Katy Munn - @nailsby_katy_

40. Nails by Megan - @nailsbymegan_17

41. Beauty by Amy W - @beautybyamyw

42. Charlotte Edwards - @nailsbycharl.eds

43. Serenity Beauty and Co - @serenitybeautyandco

44. Angel Beauty - @angel.beautyx

45. Nailed it by Emma - @naileditbyemma

46. Victoria Parsons - @nailsbytoria_suffolk

47. Pinky Promise Beauty by Oliva - @pinkypromise_beauty

48. B'Spoilt by Liz - @bspoilt_by_liz

49. Olivia Pascoe - oliviapascoesbeauty

50. Claire Martin - @the.nail.lounge.x




1st Place - Nikita Doherty Hair Extensions - @nikitahairextensions

2nd Place - Dream Hair Extensions LTD - @0dreamhair0

3rd Place - Flique Hair - @_fliquesalon

4. ShowOff Hair Extensions - @showoffhairextensions

5. House of Locks - @house.of.locks

6. Lockaholic.S - @lockaholic.s

7. Godiva Luxury Hair Extensions - @godivahairextensions

8. Hairabella Luxe - @hairabella_luxe

9. There She Glow's Salon - @theresheglows_salon

10. House of Tinu - @houseoftinu_official

11. Love From Jenny - @love_from_jenny_xoxo

12. Hollywood Hair & Beauty -

13. D. Alexander Hair - @d.alexanderhair

14. Hairy Bitches - @hairy_bitches

15. Lauren Walder Hair & Extensions - @laurenwalderhairandextensions

16. Best Extend - @bestextend

17. Extend London - @extend_london

18. Lisa Jay's - @lisajayhairextensions

19. Zest - @zestliverpool

20. CocoBella Hair Extensions - @cocobella_hairextensions

21. Hairitage86 - @hairitage86

22. Rose Blossom BEauty & Hair - @roseblossombeautyandhair

23. Jessica Hair and Beauty - @jessicas.hairandbeauty

24. The Yorkshire Hair Clinic - @yorkshirehairclinic

25. Zipandas LTD - @zipandas

26. Luscious Locks - @luscious_locks_hair_extensions

27. M Hair Extensions -

28. OPAL Hair - @opalhairgreenock

29. The Hunnie Hut - @thehunniehut

30. The Hive Salon - @katmcmahonhairandbeautystudio

31. Pretty Little Weaves - @prettylittleweaves

32. Hair Chic Boutique - @hairchicboutiquex

33. Academy of Hair Uckfield - @academy_of_hair_uckfield

34. The Ruby Hair Room -

35. Vogue Hair Extensions Specialist -

36. iHobbs Salon and Training Academy - @ihobbshairextensions

37. The Mane Lounge - @themaneloungee

38. Lauren Victoria & Co - @laurenvictoriaco

39. Duran's Hair Studio - @duranshairstudio

40. Stephanie Sarah Hair & Beauty - @stephaniesarahhair

41. Sassy Styles - @hayleysassystyles

42. Hair by Amy Beth - @hairbyamiebeth_

43. Crystal Tips Hair Extensions - @crystaltipsbeautyhair

44. Luxe Lengths - @luxe.lengths.extensions

45. Hair Therapy - @hairtherapy_wigspecialist

46. Cherry Hair Extensions - @cherryhairext

47. Jazmine Love Hair - @jazminelove_hair

48. Love Your Locks - @loveyourlocksbyliv

49. Florence Rose Hair Extensions - florencerose_hair_extensions

50. Vibe - @sarahshairextensionstudio





1st Place - Kelly Tucker - @essexextensions 

2nd Place - Sarah Murphy - @majestichairandbeautyacademy

3rd Place - Amie Boyle - @dolledupbyamie

4. Simply by Suzi - @simply.bysuzi

5. Lauren Hale - @laurenvictoriahair

6. Samantha Harris - @roseellehair

7. Daniel Argenio - @hairbydanielargenio

8. Rebecca Banham - @hairextensionsbyrebeccabanham

9. Shades of Beauty - @shadesofbeautylondon

10. HAIR EXTENSIONS BY SVETLANA - @hairextensionsuk_

11. Jessica Liptrot - @weave_doll

12. Lisa Jay - @lisajayhairextensions

13. ELS Extensions - @els_extensions

14. MB Hair Extensions - @mbhairextensionist

15. Amy Loveny - @amyslocks_

16. Sarah Wainwright - @vibehair_beauty

17. Lisa James Hair Extensions & Hair Loss - @lisa_james_hair_extensions_

18. Mane Obession - @maneobsessionbyciaramay

19. Show Off Hair Extensions - @showoffhairextensions

20. Naomi Jade - @naomijadehair.aesthetics

21. The Mane Man - @hairmaneman

22. Luscious Locks Hair Extensions - @lusciouslocksbylois

23. Shannons Locks & Beauty - @shannonslocksandbeauty

24. Extend London - @extend_london

25. Hair Extensions by Becci - @hairextensionsbybecci

26. Hair by Amy Alice - @hairbyamyalice

27. The Mane Lounge - @themaneloungee

28. Sassy Styles - @hayleysassystyles

29. Hair by Fan - @hairbyfan

30. Jodie Hilman - @jodie_thestrand

31. Envy that Mane - @envythatmane

32. Endless Elegance - @endlesselegance_hairextensions

33. Samantha Nisbet - @ladore_hair_extensions

34. Hairy Bitches - @hairy_bitches

35. Molly Louise Hair and Beauty - @mollylouise_hbx

36. Laura Smiles - @lushesloxx

37. Jade Bostock - @jb_hairextensions_

38. HB3 Hair Extensions - @hb3_hairextensions

39. Holly Bere - @sapphirehairextensionsx

40. Hair Extensions by Gee - @hairextensionsbygee

41. S. Louise Beauty - @slouisebeautyx

42. Vogue Hair Extensions - @vogue_extension_specialist

43. The Hair Boutique - @shelley_thehairboutiqueroyston

44. Siobhan Walker - @siobhanwalker_x

45. Luxe Lengths Hair Extensions - @luxe.lengths.extensions

46. Sabine Studane - @sabirais92

47. Stephanie Sarah Hair & Beauty - @stephaniesarahhair

48. Goldilox Hair - @goldilox_hair

49. Hair and Beauty by Chloe - @extensionsandbeauty_bychlo

50. Locks of Sass - @locksofsass_





1st Place - The Hideaway Hair and Beauty Boutique - @thehideawaybristol

2nd Place - Angelite Hair - @angelitehair

3rd Place - Wildflower Hair and Beauty Studio - @wildflower_hairandbeautyy

4. Marbs Tanning - @Marbs_ltd

5. Hannah Swan Hair and Beauty - @hannah.swan.hair.and.beauty

6. Craid Duncan Hair - @craigduncan_hair

7. Buffs Hair & Beauty Bar @buffs_hair_beauty

8. Tilly's Beauty Co - @tillysbeautyco

9. Hair by Martyna Grant - @hairbymartynagrant

10. Luxe Lash and Beauty Bar - @luxelashandbeautybar_

11. Olive Beauty and Aesthetics - @Olive Beauty & Aesthetics

12. Eden Beauty House - @edenbeautyhouse

13. Bliss Hair Therapy - @blisssalonb48

14. Salon G - @salongnewcastle

15. Self Love Salon - @selflovesalonsthelens

16. The Scissor Psychologist - @thescissorpsychologist_

17. Aura Hair and Beauty - @aura_hair1

18. Serenity Beauty & co - @serenitybeautyandco

19. Wonderland Academy - @wonderlandtraining

20. The Glam Salon - @theglamsalon__

21. Protox - @protoxaestheticsltd

22. Ultraviolet - @ultravioletessex

23. Salon 55 - @Salon55xx

24. Rio Hair Studio - @rio_hairstudio

25. Chic Health & Beauty - @25. chichealthandbeautysalon

26. Boniface Hair & Beauty - @bonifacehairandbeauty

27. Kimmy’s Nails - @kimmysnails_bedminster

28. Pure Empourium - @pureemporium

29. Brow & Lash Envy - @browandlashenvy_

30. AVA Beauty - @avabeauty10

31. Sisu Amor - @sisu.amor

32. Spectrum Hairdressing - @spectrumhairtruro

33. Beau Beauty and Hair - @beaubeautyandhair

34. Bellate Skin Clinic - @bellateskinclinic

35. The Powder Room Spa & Beauty - @powderroomalnwick

36. Crystal Clear Health and Beauty - @crystalclearhealthandbeauty

37. Estetica - @estetica3738

38. Beauty Loft Skin & IPL Clinic

39. Lavella Beauty Salon - @lavellabeautysalon

40. G & H Hair Designs - @Gh_hair_designs

41. The Oxford Massage Centre - @theoxfordmassagecentre

42. Grafton Spa - @graftonspa

43. Sunshine Hair and Body - Charlotte Hardy

44. Vanity Throne Nails - @vanitythrone_nails

45. Images Hair and Beauty - Clay Cross

46. Dead Glam LTD - @deadglamltd

47. Toni RB Hair Design - @Toni_RB_Hairdesign

48. Style Me - @__styleme.

49. Looking Good - @lookinggoodclydebank

50. Gemma Kidd Hair Design - @gemmakiddhairdesign





1st Place - house of Nails - @houseofnailscl

2nd Place - Brandon Beauty Studio - @brandonbeautystudio

3rd Place - Salon G - @salongnewcastle

4. Nail Collection London - @nailcollectionlondon

5. FN Gel Bar - @fngelbar

6. UC Beauty - @ucbeautysalon

7. The Sanctuary - @amy.thesanctuary

8. Beauty Central Salon - @beautycentral_nails

9. Indigo Nail Salon - @indigo_nail_salon_by_emily

10. 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑁𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑏 - @magnifique_nails_lab

11. CROWN NAILS & BEAUTY - @crownnailscrewe

12. KK Nail Studio - @emi_art_partner_n_ireland

13. RD Nails Academy - @rd_nails_academy

14. Myle Nails - @mylenailsstockport

15. Pink Velvet Nails and Beauty - @pinkvelvet_nailsbeauty

16. Exibit Atelier LTD - @exibit_atelier

17. The Nail Bar - @thenailbarbridlington

18. Millou Nails & Beauty - @millounailsbeauty44

19. The Beautu Bungalow - @_beautybungalow

20. Nail Envy - @nailenvymidwales

21. Kim Le Nail Bar - @kimlenailbar

22. Cloud Beauty Uppermill - @cloudbeautyuppermill

23. The Pink Room - @thepinkroomgreatsankey

24. Ruby's Salon - @rubys_salon_blandford

25. Dominika Nails - @dominikanailssthelens

26. Kroma - @kromaglasgow

27. Pep Clinic and Academy - @pep_clinicandacademy

28. The Bronzing Bar - @thebronzingbar_

29. Annissas Beauty - @annissasbeauty

30. Kimmy’s Nails - @kimmysnails_bedminster

31. Serenity Beauty & co - @serenitybeautyandco

32. Adjust Your Crown - @adjustyourcrownsalon

33. Twinz Nails - @twinznails_training_academy

34. Jade Mullin Academy - @jademullin.academy

35. Hard as Nails - Lesley Lawrence

36. Star Beauty Salon - @starbeautysalon12

37. 3Sixty Hair & Beauty - @3sixtyhairandbeauty

38. Infinity Hair & Nails - @terribrassfield

39. Creative Touch Nails - @creativetouchnailsandbeauty

40. Kats Claws - @katsclaws_

41. Nails by Cheryl Corrigan - @nailsbycherylcorrigan

42. Lushious Luxuries - @lushiousluxuries

43. NTS Nails & Beauty - @nts_nails_beauty

44. Pretty Miss Nails and Beauty - @prettymissnailsandbeauty

45. The Painted Nail - Toni Rodway

46. Remes Nail Boutique - @remesnailboutique

47. Nickie's - @nickieshairbeauty_training

48. The Beauty Box Fakenham - @the_beauty_box_fakenham

49. Looks by Love Grove -@looksbylovegrove

50. Molly's Gel Bar - @mollysgelbar




1st Place - The Lounge - @theloungeretford

2nd Place - Perfect Image Hairdressing - @perfectimage_hairbykimberley

3rd Place - The Blow Lounge - @theblowloungehq

4. The Laser Look - @thelaserlook

5. Doll Beauty & Aesthetics - @dollbeautyleeds

6. Pink Velvet Nails Beauty - @pinkvelvet_nailsbeauty

7. SUL Hair LTD - @s.u.l.hair

8. BRHAIVE - @brhaivesalon

9. A-List Hair Boutique - @alist_hair_boutique

10. Ross Alexander Hair - @rossalexanderhair

11. Eden Beauty House - @edenbeautyhouse

12. Sugarlocks Hair - @sugarlockshair

13. Hustle Hair - @hustlehair1

14. The Lodge Hairdressing - @thelodgehairdressing

15. AJM Hair - @jackajmhair

16. Holloway Wright Hair - @hollowaywrighthair

17. FOAK - @foakkingsbridge

18. Sahe Hair Salon - @_sagehairsalon

19. Visions Hair Studio Ltd - @visionshairstud

20. Khaos - @khaos_hair

21. L'unico - @lunico_salon_ltd

22. Hairitage86 - @hairitage86

23. Butterfly Nails & Beauty - @butterflynailsandbeautyx

24. The Parlour - @laurafawcett_

25. The Hair Shack - @the.h4air.shack

26. AK Aesthetics - @ak.aesthetics.glasgow

27. The Vintage Lounge - @thevintageloungewhitton

28. Casa Capelli Hairdressing - @casa_capellihairdressing

29. Studio 56 - @studio56__

30. Muse by Carly - @musebycarly

31. Mason’s House Of Hair - @masonshouseofhair

32. 3Sixty Hair & Beauty - @3sixtyhairandbeauty

33. Immaculate Beauty by Helena - @immaculatebeauty_by_helena_

34. Vibrant Hair Studio - @vibrant2022

35. Tigerlilli - @tigerlillibeauty

36. Studio R Hair and Beauty - @studiorhairandbeauty_

37. Secret Garden Beautique - @secretgardenbeautique_thornley

38. Opia Hair & Beauty - @opiahairandbeautyleek

39. Peaches Salon - @peacheshull

40. The Hair Project - @thehairprojectsouthport

41. Sophie Jane Make-Up Academy - @sophie.jane.makeup.academy

42. Onyx - @onyxsalonhair.beauty

43. Rachel Alex Hair & Beauty - @rachelalexhairandbeauty

44. Studio Enhance - @studioenhance

45. Hermana Beauty & Skin Clinic - @beautyhermana

46. L A Y T O N Lash & Beauty Bar - @laytonlashandbeautybar

47. Skinlogic Expert - @skinlogicexpert

48. The Beauty Booth - @thebeautyboothessex

49. Sparkle Beauty Room -@sparklebeautyroom

50. The Brow Job - @thebrowjob.co.uk





1st Place - Wardman Alexander Hairdressing - @wardman_alexander_hairdressing

2nd Place - Hope & Ivy - @hope_and_ivy

3rd Place - By Louie Hair and Makeup - @by_louie

4. One Love Lane - @onelovelane

5. Showoff Hair Extensions - @showoffhairextensions

6. Aimee Bella Beauty - @aimeebella_thesalon

7. Reece.Birkdale - @reece.brikdale

8. Jessica's Hair and Beauty - @jessicas.hairandbeauty

9. Ben Wills Hair & Beauty - @benwills.hair.beauty

10. The Laser Look - @thelaserlook

11. The Sassy Lounge - @thesassylounge_

12. Olive Beauty and Aesthetics - @olivebeautyuk

13. Thirty Six - @thirtysix_dereham

14. Vanity Throne Nails - @vanitythrone_nails

15. Polished Nails & Cocktails - @polishednailsandcocktails

16. The Glam Salon - @theglamsalon__

17. A Cut Above the Rest - @acutabovetherest2018

18. Luvely Hair - @luvelyhair

19. The Lounge - @theloungeretford

20. Love From Jenny - @love_from_jenny_xoxo

21. The Beauty Parlour -@lynnstewartmua

22. BRIT POP Academy - @britpopbeautyacademy

23. Ross Alexander Hair - @rossalexanderhair

24. Dixie Van - @dixievan_beauty

25. Stacey's Gel Nails - @stacey_gel_nails

26. The Funky Barnet - @thefunkybarnet

27. Dream Hair Extensions - @0dreamhair0

28. MAE Cosmetics - @maecosmeticsclinic

29. Beauty Bungalow -@_beautybungalow

30. The Pin Up Hair Co - @thepinuphair

31. Sophie Jane Makeup Academy - @sophie.jane.makeup.academy

32. Palm Holistics - @palmholistics

33. Linehan and Co - @linehanandco

34. The Hair and Beauty Rooms - @hairandbeautyroomschislehurst

35. Duran's Hair Studio - @duranshairstudio

36. Sage Hair Salon - @_sagehairsalon

37. Just Peachy Waxing - @just.peachywaxing

38. Hair Colour Studio - @haircolourstudio

39. Academy of Hair Uckfield - @academy_of_hair_uckfield

40. Beautylicious - @

41. Mayflower Spa - @mayflowerspadorking

42. VB Beauty - @vb_beauty_aesthetics

43. Meraki Hair Lab - merakihairlab

44. Luxford's Hair and Beauty - @luxfordshairandbeauty

45. Angharad Beck Hair - @angharadbeckhair

46. Flourish Hairdressing - @flourishhairdressing

47. Lady Muck - @ladymuckbeautysalons

48. Chic Health and Beauty - @chichealthandbeautysalon

49. The Hair Hub - @thehairhub12

50. Elaine's Beauty Spot - @elainesbeautyspot





1st Place - Mack Hair Salon - @mackrugby

2nd Place - Ultraviolet - @ultravioletessex

3rd Place - The Hair and Beauty Gallery - @hairandbeautygallery30

4. She Lash HQ - she__lash

5. Kelly's House of Beauty - @kellys_house_of_beauty

6. Kuki - @kukispa

7. Nickies - @nickieshairbeauty_training

8. The Blow Lounge HQ - @theblowloungehq

9. Wildflower Hair & Beauty - @wildflower_hairandbeautyy

10. Rubys Salon - @rubys_salon_blandford

11. Academy of Hair Uckfield - @academy_of_hair_uckfield

12. The Knott Hair and Beauty - @theknott_hairandbeauty

13. Salon Dolly - @salondollyltd

14. Bon Vivant Salon - @bonvivantsalons

15. Hairabella Luxe - @hairabella_luxe

16. High Maintenence Salon - @highmaintenancesalon_

17. Creme de la Creme - @cremedelacremehairboutique

18. Mae Cosmetics - @maecosmeticsclinic

19. Jessica's Hair and Beauty - @jessicas.hairandbeauty

20. Eden Beauty House - @edenbeautyhouse

21. Frances and Fortain - @francesandfortain.salon

22. The Painted Nail - @the.paintednail

23. Lash Love & Beauty - @lashlove.beauty

24. My Claws Salon - @myclaws_salon

25. Six One Six Hair and Beauty - @sixonesixhairandbeauty_

26. Two Moons Hairdressing - @twomoonshair

27. Twiggy's Hair Salon - @salontwiggys

28. Angelite-Hair - @angelitehair

29. Freestyle Hair Design - @freestylehairdesign

30. Rio Hair Studio - @rio_hairstudio

31. Invidia Hair & Beauty - @invidia_norwich

32. Kirsty’s Hair & Beauty Studio - @kirstys_studio

33. Angharad Beck - @angharadbeckhair

34. Michelle Davies Hair - @michelledavieshair

35. Mirror Mirror - @mirrormirrorunisexhairsalon

36. Law Salons - @lawsalons

37. 3Sixty Hair & Beauty - 3sixtyhairandbeauty

38. Pure Emporium Salon - @pureemporium

39. Kerryanne's Hair Salon - @kerryannshairdressers

40. Just Joy - @justjoyhairsalon

41. Baytree Beauty - @baytreebeautywickham

42. Inspirit Beauty Studio - @inspiritbeautystudio

43. Gallery Hair and Nail Studio - @galleryhairandnail

44. Desired Lengths Salon - @desiredlengthssalon

45. Fusion Hair Co - @fusionhairco

46. Es Paradis - @es_paradis_beauty

47. Butterfly Nails & Beauty - @butterflynailsandbeautyx

48. Beyond Beauty - @beyondbeauty_chesterfield

49. Chameleons Hair And Scalp - @chameleonsplymouth

50. Leylie Boutique - @leylieboutique_hair




1st Place - Natalie Palmowski - @palmowskihairdesign

2nd Place - Alex Dillon - @pixie_dust_and_hairspray

3rd Place - Wonderlooks Hair - @wonderlookshair

4. JP Hair - @jphair_st.helens

5. Liz Colour - @liz__colour

6. Mitch Allen - @mitch_allen_stylist

7. Wesley Martin - @wesleymartin_ha

8. Hannah Baker - @empireofhair_

9. Rebecca Higgins - @lockslashesacademy

10. Andrew Clarke - @andrewclarkhair

11. Sophie Allison - @sophieallisonhair

12. Karl Fegredo-Munt - @karlfegredomunthair

13. Melissa Antoinette - @melissaantoinetteuk

14. Karolina Grzelewska - @hairlifeprofessional

15. Lauren Sophie Noon - @bylaurensophie_

16. Hair by Charly - @hairbycharly19

17. Hair by Brooke Lyons - @hairbybrookelyons

18. Rebecca Davies - @hairbybecad

19. Lucy Eccles - @riothairdesign

20. Olesea Vacarciuc - @oleseavacarciuc

21. Brooke Thompson - @brookethompsonhairstudio

22. The Styling Rooms - @thestylingrooms

23. Leah Maries - @leahmaries1

24. Daniella's Hairdressing @ daniella'shairdressing

25. Diana Borley - @hairbydianaborley

26. Pastels by Natalie - @pastelsbynatalie_08

27. Chelsea Caulton - @theoriginalstylist_

28. Hair Extensions by Becci - @hairextensionsbybecci

29. Kroma Hair & Beauty - @lindarellahair

30. Zoe Corcoran - @seven_starsstudio

31. Loran Holroyd’s Hair - @loran_holroyds_hair

32. Katie Brown - @katielouisehairdressing

33. Izabela Lesinczec - @izabela__les__

34. India Fleming - @indias_hairandbeauty

35. Megan Bithell - @_mb.hair_

36. Robyn Elizabeth Hair & Makeup - @robynelizabethhairandmakeup

37. Natasha Maxwell -@tashax0x0

38. Adele Catherine Hair - @adelecatherine_hair

39. Rachel Prince Hair - @rachel_prince_hair

40. Emma Louise West - @emmalouisewesthairstylist

41. Monika Surowiec - @monika_hair_desinger

42. Skaiste Kniukstiene - @skynicke

43. Shan Handley - @hairbyshanhandley

44. Lenice Kennedy - @_lenicekennedy

45. Aisha Lily - @hairbyaishalily

46. Karol Paweł Rakoczy - @karol_rakoczy_hairstylist

47. Demi Cassidy - @47. hairbydemi24

48. Sophie Ashcroft - @sophiehairandbeauty99

49. Stephanie Wade - @hairbystephwade

50. Nicola Jane - @nicolajanehairstyling





1st Place - Loretta Jasylionite - @flawless_lashes_by_loreta

2. Charlotte Holdsworth - @labed.official

3. Gemma Samuel - @tanningsalonmk

4. Dominique Fadeni - @beaubakersco

5. Janan Saher - @aviva_nails_beauty_academy

6. Claire Weadock - @m.i.a_skintherapy

7. Deboragh Hendren - @thebrowgeekltd

8. Freya Piper - @freyasbouncyblowdrys

9. Madiha Khusar - @lyfcosmetics

10. Porezest - @porezest

11. Archie Lloyds - @archielloyds

12. Ace Education - @aceeducation_scotland

13. FA Skin Lab - @faskinlab

14. Greek Butterfly Beauty - @greekbutterflybeauty

15. Maria Mann - @tbsskincare

16. Box of Nails - @boxofnails_nailsupplies

17. Leanne Bartlett - @brhaive

18. Shannon Shea - @ssmakeupstudio

19. Pampering Angels - @pampering_angels

20. The Hair Repair Club - @hair_repair_club

21. The Lounge - @theloungeretford

22. A List Hair Boutique - @alist_hair_boutique

23. Joanne Newman - @thestrandoflondon

24. Rebecca Hallam - house of boo/boo box

25. Regan Freeman - @theblowloungehq

26. Charlotte Pierce @charlottepiercehair

27. Smile Divine UK - @smiledivineuk

28. Natalia Stewart - @hairabella_luxe

29. The Pure Clinic - @the_pure_clinic_

30. Nicole Bernard - @thewaxbar1

31. Shanice Crosby - Body Squad Bristol

32. LIMIT Lash by Ella - @limitlash_byella

33. Elise Monghan - @elise_luxury_hair_boutique

34. Emily Simpson - @tigerlillibeauty

35. Yugen - @yugenlash

36. Krystle Clear Laser Clinic - @krystle_clear_laser_clinic

37. Kirsty Smith - Liquid Lips

38. Miah Flanaghan Hair - @miahflanaganhair

39. Nickie's - @nickieshairbeauty_training

40. HUN Hair Bar - @hunhairbar

41. Invidia Hair & Beauty - @invidia_norwich

42. Angeline Hayden - @midascustomerservicetraining

43. Chelsea Ruby - @thecreative.hq

44. Glitzy Tips - @glitzytips.co.uk

45. KBH Treatments - @kbhtreatments

46. Michelle Phillips - @makeupbayy_theacademy

47. Georgie Fox - @gfoxhairextensions

48. The Powder Room - @thepowderroom_x

49. Kelly Beattie - @dunehairdressing

50. Katrina Carter - @thepinuphair




1st Place - Callum Walker - @swarvellahairstylist

2. Caroline Richards - @carolinerichards_nail_artist

3. Jessica Annabel Minett - @jess_iconicfckinhair

4. Effortless Elegance - @_effortlesselegance

5. By Jenny T - @byjennyt

6. The Doll Palace - @the_doll_palace

7. Holly Bullock - @hollybullockhair_

8. Dylan Six - @dylansixmakeup

9. By Katie Selfe - @bykatieselfe

10. Laser Away - @laserawaywakefield

11. Gemma Marie - @pixalrosehairdesign_gemmamarie

12. Elise Star Marsden - @_.elisestarr._

13. Charlotte Grainger - @contoured_curves_clinic

14. Louise Main - @lma_uk

15. Glamorous You by Paula - @glamorousyoubypaula

16. Hannah Day - hannah1993day

17. Kyle Hill Hair - @kylehillhair

18. Karen Harvey - @karenharvey_conran

19. Luxe Nails - @luxe.nails007

20. Carly Wright - @sugarbeauty_peterborough

21. IndyyNails and Beauty - @indyynailsandbeauty

22. Zoeyy Mayy Nails - @zoeyy_mayy

23. Georgia Robinson - @dermatoneuk

24. Chloe Hampson - @chloehalo_

25. Kim Pinnington - @thenailshed_kim

26. James Reeve-Shillito - @nailinthecoffin_nailsbyjames

27. Fake It Aesthetics - @fake_it_aesthetics_bristol

28. Wink LBB - @wink_lbb

29. Mulberry & Flitch - @mulberryandflitch_leighonsea

30. Get Glammed by Frankie - @getglammedbyfrankie

31. Jupiter Moon Salon - @jupitermoonsalon

32. Si Belle Beauty - @sibellebeautyessex

33. Rebecca McParland - @vanitythrone_nails

34. Abbie Tuck - @brow.vibe.official

35. Neil Rutherford - Beautylicious

36. Karina McGahey - @skin_by_karina

37. China Alexander - saharaartistryuk

38. Weekend Waves - @weekend_waves_

39. Elusre Beauty - @elustrebeauty

40. Dominika Jedrzejczak - @dominikanailssthelens

41. Claire Wilson - @nailinglifewithclaire

42. Jodie Anderson - @jodieandersonhair

43. Amy Victoria Beauty - @amyvictoriabeautyx

44. Naturally Elegant Beauty - @naturallyelegantbeauty

45. The Beauty Room CM - @thebeautyroom.cm.x

46. Harriet Thorpe - @bridalandeventhair_byharrietgb

47. Rosewood Aesthetics - @rosewood_aesthetics

48. Jannine Logan - @jannine_logan

49. EMR Beauty - @emrbeautyy

50. Codie Farthing - @codie_nocohair





1st Place - Vaida Blusiene - @vb_beauty_lounge

2. Rose Gold Lashes - @rose.gold.lashes

3. Emma Scott - @lashphoria_uk

4. Ewelina - @ewelinakaminska_imthelashmaker

5. Brigita Kviatkovska - @brigita.londonlashpro

6. Sarah Tumi - @stlash.browartist

7. Jaya Pall - @p_plashes

8. Joanna Soblewska - @freckledgirl.beauty

9. Victoria Hodsgon - @rosegoldtanningandlashes

10. Aimee Clayton - @lashloveaimee

11. Marlena Kujawa - @starlashes_peterborough

12. Roxana Moraru - @roxana_roxy_moraru

13. Julie Knight - @elite.eyelash.extensions

14. Anda Livia Partene - @lashartist_anda

15. LB Lashes & Beauty - @lblashesandbeautyy

16. Lashed by Holly - @lashed.byholly

17. Lois Tickner - @beauty_with_lou_

18. Zaneta Jankowska - @zanetajankowska_lashtrainer

19. Bella Beauty - @bellabeauty_13

20. Belle Ame - @belleame.beautylounge

21. Klaudia Sterna - @klashandbrowstudio

22. The Face Hub - @thefacehub_

23. Ellie Edwards - @beautyby_ellie

24. Amy Summers - @__she_lashes__

25. Michelle Williams - @ilashbymichelle

26. Beauty by Rebekah Louise - @beautybyrebekahlouise

27. Lauren Hayton - @laurensbeautybarherts

28. Asta Lukosiuniene - @astalashista

29. Beauty by Rosina - @beautybyrosina_x

30. Keeta Rebekah - @luxurybeautybykeeta

31. Lauren Burridge - @ooahlashes

32. ABB Beauty - @abbeauty_xo

33. The Lash Stylist - @_thelashstylist

34. MK Beauty Birmingham - @mkbeautybirmingham

35. Lashed by Carla - @lasheddbycarla

36. Kasey Brogan - @kb.lashess_

37. Hidden Beauty - @hiddenbeauty__x

38. Lauren Masters - @laurenmasters_lashartist

39. Kirsty Allen - @kirstyallenbeauty

40. Marta Kasperczak - @mk4lashes

41. Madison Theed - @madison_lash_

42. The Beauty Fix - @the_beautyfix_co

43. Lucy's Beauty Barn - @lucysbeautybarn

44. Bee Louise - @beautybybee.xx

45. Lash Baby - @lashbabyyy

46. Chloe Dixon - @chloedixonlashes

47. iLashUp - @ilash_up_x

48. Alexandra Clayton - @aye.lashes

49. Lashes by Al - @lashesbyalx_

50. IH Beauty - @ihbeauty1




1st Place - Gabbie MUA Studio - @gabbiemuastudio

2. MU Artistry by Daniella Jade - @muartistrybydaniellajade

3. Ashleigh Mcarthur - @ashmacmua

4. Rayner Cunniffe - @themakeupcoach_uk

5. Shannon Shea - @ssmakeupstudio

6. Lynn Stewart - @lynnstewartmua

7. Make Up by Jasmine - @makeupbyjasminex

8. Make Up by Nadia - @__makeupbynadia

9. Kerry Louise Fawcett - @klf_makeup_and_beauty

10. Natalie Michel - @nataliemichelmua

11. Becca Woods - @bybecca._

12. Elwira Posiak - Wansorra - @elwira_posiak_wansorra

13. Farrah Louise MUA - @farrahlouisemua

14. The Glam Girl - @theglamgirlx

15. Chloe Ellen MUA - @chloeellenmua

16. Isabel Clarke - @isabelclarkemakeupartist

17. Jovita Sigita Vicaite - @jsv.makeup

18. Emily Grimsditch - @emgmuabeauty

19. Naomi Wiltshire - @naomiwiltshiremakeup

20. Rosie Styles - @makeupbyrosiestyles

21. Makeup By Lauryn - @makeup_by_lauryn

22. Weronika Claudia - @styledbyweronika

23. Ally Young - @allyy_mua

24. Chas Lara Hair and Makeup - @chaslarahairandmakeup

25. Kirsty Louise - @kirstylouisemua

26. Melissa MUA - @melissamua_x

27. Nawar Raichura - @nawarraichura

28. Becca-Lea O'Loughlin - @beccaleamakeupartist

29. Makeup by Ella - @makeupbyella_x

30. Amy Boole - @makeupbyamyboole

31. Emma Causer - @emmacauser_mua

32. Ruth Starkie MUA - @ruthstarkiemua

33. Louise Carr Make Up Artist - @louisecarr_mua

34. Rekah Hair & Make Up Artist - @rekha_hair_makeup_artist

35. Carla Knight - @makeupbycarlaknight

36. Sam Urben - @bridalmakeupbysam

37. Che MUA - @che__mua

38. Shanice Ruth Harwood - @byshaniceruth

39. Ebony Ormondroyd - @ebonyomakeup

40. Looks by Louisa - @looksbylouisa_

41. Olivia Alice MUA - @_oliviaalicemua

42. Baddie's Beauty and Aesthetics - @baddies_beautyxaesthetics

43. Made Up by Lynsey - @madeupbylynsey

44. Stacey Grix - @staceyshairandmakeup

45. Emma Bright - @brightbeauty_mua

46. Lauren Mcgovern - @laurenmcgovernmua

47. Studio Enhance - @studioenhance

48. Make Up by Tay - @makeupbytayyyx

49. Eleana Skitinis - @eleanamuax

50. Fiona Smith - @fs.makeup.nails_




1st Place - Gemma Pope - @gemmapopenailartist

2nd Place - Karina Perematko - @karinaperematko_nailacademy

3rd Place - Jordan Ward - @jordanward_nailartist_x

4. Janine Orpen - @nailsbyjanine.x

5. Charley Chanel - @beautybycharleychanel

6. Susans Pro File - @susansprofile

7. Ildiko Gheraszim - @nailsasjewels

8. Annastasia Georgiou - @nailsbygeorgiou__

9. Strawberry Milk Nails - @strawberrymilknailsx

10. Malgorzata Miklasz - @gosia_nail_instructoruk

11. Taylor Jade Mcmullan - @bytaylorjade

12. Cruelty Free Clawz - @cruelty_free_clawz

13. Latesha Hall - @fleekdbytesh

14. Natasha Newton - @nails._by_.natasha

15. Edit Leszkoczi - @fairyrosenails

16. Nails by B - @nailsbyb.c

17. Rebecca Faulkner - @dolce__beauty

18. Natalie Hewitt - @smooch_nailsandtraining

19. Lucie Dighton - nailsinwales_bylucie

20. Nicoleta Boboc - @nicoletaboboc_

21. Millie Clutterbuck - @millieclutterbuck_nailartist

22. Snailz - @snailz__

23. Nikki Watson - @nikkiwatsonbeauty

24. Chelsey Gillingham - @naileditbychelsey

25. Nailed by Lou - @nailedbylou

26. Vilma Juciute - @vilma_juciute_nails

27. The Nail Nexus - @27. thenailnexus

28. Vicky Monahan - @vixen_at_thebeautysweet

29. Chloe Carrington - @_cxc_xox

30. Eleanor Hunter - @the.tipsy.nail.bar

31. Iona Wallace - _iwnails

32. Sophie Gardner - @nails_by_sophie_bellarose

33. Caitlin Stuart - @nailsbycait_xx

34. Natalie Essery - @naturalbeautyleeds

35. Rachael Done - @rachaeldone_nailartist

36. Agnieszka Piechota - @passionails.agee

37. Nina Nguyen - @nails_by_niinaa

38. Sophie Murodgh - @sophie.murdough

39. Imogen Simmonds - @imogenxbeautyx

40. Carrie's Nails - @carries_nails18

41. AJC Beauty Trainer - @AJC Beauty Trainer LTD

42. Carly Bradley - @carlybradley.nailartist

43. Patrycja Brzuska - @patryciabrzuska

44. Claire Leaver - @cure.define.yourself

45. Beauty and Nails by Alexandra - @beautyandnailsbyalexandra

46. Stacy Heidrich - @stacyheidrich_filenstyle

47. Toni Rodway - @toni.rodway_naileducator

48. Sarah Johnson - @sarahjohnsonnailartist

49. Pretty Nails by Laurencia - @prettynails.bylaurencia

50. Laura Ann - @prettymissnailsandbeauty




1st Place - Kimberley Williams - @believebeautybb

2. Amy Pariser - @ibrowinkboutique

3. Zoe Bayliss - @creativetouchpmu

4. Anna Szewczyk - @annaszewczyk_permanent_makeup

5. Roberta Cozzolino - @bellisima_brow_bar

6. Katrina Perematko - @permanentmakeup_essex

7. Stacey Regan Fox - @fox_academy_and_aesthetics

8. Frankee Hajder - @frankeehajderspmu

9. Inga Permenant Make Up - @inga_pmu

10. Julie Duong - @browsbyjulie

11. Hattie Faith - hattiefaithcosmetictattoo

12. Brow Ability - @brow.ability

13. Ewa Jarrett - @e_brows_permanent_makeup

14. Aneta Bridger - @aneta.bridger

15. Cassandra Lewis - @pep_clinicandacademy

16. Anna Jardzioch - @annaczylok

17. iBeauty by RhiRhi - @ibeauty_byrhirhi

18. The Brow Cow - @thebrowcow

19. Mono Beauty - @monobeautyuk

20. The Blush House - @theblushhousee

21. Cher Dobbie - @cher.blush.pmu

22. Gemma Webster - @gemma_at_fourteen

23. Kimberley Edgar @facebykimberley

24. FaceLab London - @facelab.london

25. Courtney Emily PMU - @courtneyemily_pmu

26. Ellen Elizabeth - @ellenelizabethaesthetics

27. Cosmetically Enhanced - @cosmetically_enhanced

28. Diamond face Manchester - @donia.sty

29. Tanya Buxton - @killerbeautypmu

30. Etched by Bryony - @etchedbybriony

31. The Brow Clinic - @thebrowclinicwinchester

32. BP Studio PMU - @bp.studio.pmu

33. Vhari Mclaws - @myclaws_salon

34. Brow Envy - @browenvyx

35. Rhian Morris - @rhianmorrispmu

36. Hanna Kubiciel - @hanna_pmu_worcester

37. Lynsey Robertson - @larouge.hair.beauty

38. Jade Emily Smith - @brow_boss__

39. Julia Szymczak Peleszok - @the_village_beauty

40. Diana Palejko - @diannebrows

41. Sophie Knight - @sophieknightpmu

42. Brows by Rachel - @browsbyrachel__

43. Jade Mullin - @jade__mullin

44. Oliwia Miskiewicz - @golden_eye_oliviam

45. Katie Fearns PMU - @pmu_katiefearnes_uk

46. KTR Beauty - @ktr_beauty_

47. Emma Wilson - @e_j_clinic

48. Aesthetic Inc - @aesthetic_inc_peterborough

49. Karen Harvey - @karenharvey_conran

50. Decorum - @decorumaestheticsni



1st Place - The Wax Bar - @thewaxbar1

2. Wax for Men Manchester - @waxformenmanchester

3. One Man Waxer - @one_man_waxer

4. Lyndsey Hughes - @adarose_beautyacademy

5. Amity Wax - @amitywaxing

6. Aimee Dick - @thelittlebeautyroom_aimeex

7. Carla Nunes - @perledebeauteuk

8. Izabela Szlapa - @beautyland.uk

9. JM Waxing Hair & Beauty - @jmwaxing

10. Adriana Solinska - @solabeautyaberdeen

11. Kelly Waterhouse - @waterhouse.kelly

12. Stoica-Nagyi Timea - @mansfieldwaxer

13. Satveer Kandola - @hourglassbeautybarx

14. Lois Rose Beauty - @loisrose_beauty

15. Abigail Eden - @edenbeautyleeds

16. Clare Jackson-little - @olivebeautyuk

17. The Little Waxing and Beauty Co - @thelittlewaxingandbeautyco

18. Joanne Brown - @jbsbeautylounge

19. Kerrie Luker - @flourish.sba

20. Kimberley Preece - @salonmpilgrim_

21. Katy Harris - @twinklesbeautywithkatyharris

22. Ella Downs - @ellaabeauty

23. Preeti Moore - @nikkizbeauty16

24. Jacqui Forester - @saravictoriabrowsandbeauty

25. Nicola Nelson - @nicola_nelson_86

26. Si Belle Beauty - @sibellebeautyessex

27. Sarah Humphreyson - @eyelashqueenplymouth

28. Sigma Beauty - @sigmabeautygravesend

29. The Waxing Parlour - @thewaxingparlour

30. Philosophy of Beauty - @philosophy_of_beauty_

31. Tatiana Leech - revive_beautylounge

32. Samanta Krauze - @skbeautybysam

33. Rosie Lavell - @rlbeauty_treatments

34. Becky Priest - @beautybybeckyessex

35. Frances Robertson - @oakshawhairandbeauty

36. Bon Viviant - @bonvivantsalons

37. MaxiWax by Ina - @maxiwax_room_by_ina

38. Chloe Denning - @bychloedenning

39. Mettyears Day Spa - @mettyears

40. Sajja Skin & Laser Clinic - @sajjabeauty

41. Lyndsey Buchanan - @allure_hair_beauty

42. Gina Cooper - @beautyandbrowschelmsford

43. Harriet Charter Beauty - @harrietcharterbeauty

44. The Waxing Station - @the.waxingstation

45. Amar Nassar - @amoura_beauty

46. Monique Beautician - @bodyhousehealthandbeautyclinic

47. Imaanz Beauty Lounge - @imaanzacademy

48. Emma Taylor - @taylormadebeauty

49. Ann Glamour Beauty - @annglamourbeautyuk

50. Rachel Upham - @ohhello_beauty




1st Place - Vanity Doll Salon - @vanitydollsalon

2nd Place - Bellate Skin Clinic - @bellateskinclinic

3rd Place - Craig Duncan Hair - @craigduncan_hair

4. Fabuluxe HQ - @fabuluxehq

5. Gusto Hairdressing - @gustohairdressing

6. Kroma - @kromaglasgow

7. Hannah Swan Hair and Beauty - @hannah.swan.hair.and.beauty

8. Allure Lash Lounge - @allurelashlounge

9. Hairatige - @hairitage_laura

10. The Glamour Garage - @glamour_garagestudioepsom

11. Zara Hairdressing Studio - @zarahairdressingstudio

12. Salon 1THIRTY4 - @salon.1thirty4

13. Wardman Alexander Hairdressing

14. Invidia Hair & Beauty - @invidia_norwich

15. Rose Beauty Sheffield - @rosebeautysheffield

16. C&Co Hair Salon - @candcohairsalon

17. Hair Ministry LTD -@hairministryltd

18. Headwork - @headwork_hair

19. Olive Beauty - @olivebeautyuk

20. Cabello - @cabello.lincoln

21. The Beauty Company - @thebeautycompany.x

22. FAB HQ - @fabhq.uk

23. District 1 Salon - @district1salon

24. Emily's Touch - @emilystouch

25. Perfect Hair - @joannajedrzejczak_perfecthair

26. Sunset Boulevard - @sunsetboulevardtanning

27. Salon 55 - @salon55xx

28. Luxe Aesthetics - @luxe.aesthetics1

29. Mack Hair Salon - @mackrugby

30. Tina Goodwin Hairdressing - @tinagoodwinhairdressing

31. Omorfia - @omorfiabeautyandaesthetics

32. Miracle Skincare Centre - @miracle.skincare.centre

33. Poison Apple Beauty LTD - @poisonapplebeauty_

34. Law Salons - @lawsalons

35. OKSANA SALON - @oksana_salon_norwich_uk

36. Naturally U LTD - naturally.u.salon

37. The Scissor Psychologist - @thescissorpsychologist_

38. The Hair Base - @thehairbase

39. Blossom Beauty Cosmetic Clinic - @blossombeautycosmeticclinic

40. The Doll Lounge - @the_doll_lounge1

41. Durans Hair Studio - @duranshairstudio

42. Hollywood Hair & Beauty - @hollywoodhairbeautymaidstone

43. Ultraviolet - @ultravioletessex

44. Visions Hair Studio - @visionshairstud

45. Jadeys - @jadeyshair

46. Two Moons Hairdressing - @twomoonshair

47. The Hair and Beauty Gallery - @hairandbeautygallery30

48. Opulence Hairdressing - @opulencehairdressing

49. Coven Beauty - @covenbeautyacademy

50. Boniface Hair & Beauty - @bonifacehairandbeauty